Embracing Support

7 Strategies To A Happy Empowered Amazing Life

About The Author

Claudia is a Registered Nurse with over 25 years of experience, both as a university nursing instructor as well as an acute palliative care nurse. She started working on her Master’s in Adult Education while on Maternity leave with her first baby and after completion went on to coach, counsel and support countless students, peers, patients and families. As a result, she has learned to embrace support in her own life. Through her unique perspective on the importance of asking for, accepting and allowing support, she is able to empower and inspire those who work with her. Claudia is a happily married working mom of two teenage girls who spends her leisure time reading, writing and creating, and with the support of her amazing friends and family, she gets to live her passions every day.

“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson


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My Book

Embracing Support

7 Strategies to a Happy Empowered Amazing Life

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